Succulent Plant Site | Succulent Plant Pests

Succulent Plant Pests

The loss of succulents due to pests can be quite frustrating to growers of these otherwise tough plants. In this section you should be able to identify the pest that is attacking your succulents and determine the best type of treatment that suits you best.

Signs of Infestation Pest Treatment
Many small bodies insects on stems, leaves and flowers of plants. Ants

Sprinkle catnip or mint around nest.


Aphids are small, delicate insects that are found in colonies on growth tips, flowers and leaves. Their colour varies from yellow to black... Aphids



These pests are 3-4mm long, and are straw coloured... Leaf Bug

Oxydemeton methyl


White fluffy mass appearing on buds, stems, fruit and roots. The presence of ants and honeydew/sooty mold. Mealy Bug

Tokuthion - 5ml/10l water.


Small microscopic worms that cause knots on roots.... Nematodes

Grow marigolds...


Small reddish brown insects that attack leafy succulents, usually on the lower surface of the leaves. Red Spider Mite



Small insects - >7mm, oval in shape, white to off-pink in colour, adults encapsulated in a white "cottony" substance. Root Mealybug

Place mothballs in potting soil...


Red Scale is 1-2mm in diameter, they are reddish brown in colour and attack all parts of the plant. Red Scale

Apply a lite mineral oil...


Common garden snails and slugs. Snails

Place beer in a saucer flush with the ground...

Read More>>

Snout beetles attack mainly aloes, they are between 15-25mm in length and greyish to dark brown to black in colour. Snout Beetle

Drill a small hole in the stem just below..


Whiteflies are small insects between 1-3mm in lenght, they are covered in a white waxy powder... White Fly

Create a loop of yellow tape...


White Scale are small insects that usually infect Aloes, they are small insects approximtely 1-2mm in length. White Scale

Wash of with soapy water...


Worms come in a variety of shapes and sizes and they do a lot of damage in a short time. Worms

Pick worms off manually...



Safety tips regarding the use of chemical fungicides and pesticides:

  1. Read the instructions carefully, if there is something you don't understand get into contact with someone who is experienced in the use of fungicides or pesticides.  These poisons are dangerous and can be life-threatening if used incorrectly.

  2. Wear gloves when measuring, mixing and pouring the poison.  Do this in a well ventilated are where the fumes or dust will drift away from you.

  3. The best time to spray is in the early morning or late evening.  Never spray in a strong wind and stay away from the spray drift.

  4. Wear protective clothing, e.g. gloves and facemask, when using toxic pesticides, eg. Malathion.  It is a good idea to use protective clothing when applying any pesticides and fungicides.

  5. Wash your hands well after spraying plants.

  6. Do not eat, smoke or drink while you are applying the poisons.  If you do have a break wash your hands and face thoroughly before you eat, smoke or drink something.

  7. Shower and change clothes after applying the poisons.

  8. Store chemicals in a clearly market area that is away from foodstuffs, children and animals.  Make sure the area conforms to the current safety regulations, it is a good idea to keep them under lock and key.  Keep the allocated storage area well ventilated.

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