Succulent Plant Site | Succulent Plant Pests | Red Spider Mite
Red Spider Mite
Common Name: |
Red Spider Mites |
Latin Name: |
Tetranychidae |
Size: |
0.5-0.7mm in length |
Colour: |
Reddish brown |
Transfer: |
Wind, animals |
Red Spider Mite Description:
Red spider mites are between 0.5-0.7 mm in length, they are reddish brown in colour but some species may have different colours. Red spider mites thrive in hot dry conditions. The are often found on the underside of leaves.

Signs of Infestation:
Look at the lower surfaces of leaves as well as the yellowing of leaves. Red spider mites are sap feeders and plants that are infected often have leaves with fine yellow speckles on them. Another sign of infestation is the presence of fine web on the leaf.
In the succulent collection red spider mites infect plants with leaves that are pubescent (have fine hairs). Plants like Brachystelma and certain Pachypodium spp are susceptible to red spider mite.
Damage done by Red Spider Mite:
Red spider mites attack the leaves, their feeding habits will cause the leaves to go yellow and fall off.
Treatment of Red Spider Mite:
Environmentally Friendly Treatment:
- Soak twenty cigarette stubs in one liter of water for a week. Add 2.5ml liquid soap, which acts as a spreader/sticker, to the cigarette water. Apply to infected plants.
- Use water spray to remove mites.
- Oleum (Rape Oil) - 20ml/1l, spray onto affected areas. Oleum is a contact poison and will kill pests immediately.
Chemical Treatment:
- Amitraz
- Chlorpyrifos
- Diazinon
- Marcapthion
- Malathion
- Oxydemeton-methyl
- Phenothrin
- Tetramethrin