choanantha (LAVRANOS & HALL)
Distribution: Found on the upper slopes Huis River Pass between caltzdorp and Ladismith in the Little Karoo. The plants grow on narrow ledges on vertical cliff faces. |
Description: The pendent stems are 100-300mm in length. Stems are roundish. It seems the stems only bear flowers in the early stages, the first 30mm of the stem. |
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Flower: The corolla is funnel-shaped and glabrous, companulate corolla reddish-purple on the inside, corolla lobes are 6mm in length and they bend 'back'. |
Point of interest: T. choanantha was first discovered in 1962, it was placed into the genus Stapelianthus (a genus defined for Stapeliads native to Malagasy by Prof. Pierre Chioux in 1933). In 1968 it was returned to the genus Stapelia by Rauh & Wertel. Leach placed it into a new genus called Tridentea in 1978 (as Lavranos & Hall suggested in the first place). |