Succulent Plant Site | Aloes of the World | Rambling Aloes

Rambling- Aloes

Aloe ciliaris in cultivation, Aloe ciliaris is part of the Rambling Aloes section.

Species that make up this group share the typical characteristic of long rambling stems that are slender and quite thin. Aloes in this group often use plants in their habitat for support.

Leaves are slightly more fleshy than other Aloe species. Leaves are spaced quite far apart from oner asnother on the stems. Sheathing parts of the stems are usually striped.

Inflorescences are usually simple and the racemes are short. Not many flowers are borne on the racemes. Flowers are variable in size from being quite large to small.

Left: Aloe ciliaris growing in cultivation.


Species in the Rambling Aloe Group

* Good for the Garden

  • Aloe ciliaris * - The specie name 'ciliaris' means 'fine hairs' and it refers to the hairs on the on the leaf sheaths. Aloe ciliaris does well in cultivation especially if you rank it up against a wall, when in flower Aloe ciliaris makes a nice show due to the numerous inflorescences that are produced.
  • Aloe commixta - 'Commixta' refers to the group of intertwined stems. Aloe commixta does not do well in cultivation as it occurs in a winter rainfall area in acidic sandy soils.
  • Aloe gracilis * - The specie name 'gracilis' means thin slender and it refers to the stems.
  • Aloe striatula * - Aloe striatula is one of the few Aloes that can tolerate low temperatures and it is often cultivated for the lush green foliage. The specie name 'striatula' refers to the thin, green, parallel lines that are visible on the leaf sheaths.
  • Aloe tenuior * - 'Tenuior' means 'very thin' and refers to the thin stems. Aloe tenuior is often used as a lanscape plant in gardens.

Aloes of Southern Africa I use the book "Guide to Aloes of Southern Africa" by Ben-Erik van Wyk & Gideon Smith as a reference quite often. If you are a Aloe enthusiast and you don't have this book I highly recommend it. 


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