Succulent Plant Site | Aloes of the World | Aloe Affinis
Aloe Affinis
A. Berger, Asphodelaceae, Cites App. II
Distribution: Aloe affinis is found amongst bushes, grassy slopes, open areas, rocky sandstone, quartzite patches and mountainous (1225 - 1525 meters) parts of eastern Transvaal. This is a summer rainfall ( 900 mm-1275 mm) area with moderate to warm summer and light frosts in winter.
Description: Plants are usually stemless or short-stemmed solitary. Upper surfaces of the leaves are light green in colour and marked with many longitudinal dark lines. The lower surface of the leaf is paler and lightly marked. The apex of a leaf often has a pinkish tinge and the leaf has a dark brown or reddish-brown margin with dark teeth (5 - 8 mm). During dry periods the leaf has a twisted dry apex. The plant is one meter in height.
Flower: The inflorescence is a compactly-branched panicle with ten racemes. Lateral racemes are shorter than the terminating racemes, they are densely flowered and are a deep pink or brick-red in colour. The flowering time is between April and early September.
Propagation: Seeds and pups.
Cultivation: Full sun, drought resistant, neutral soil, min temp -1 C - 4 C (USDA 9 - 10).
Point of interest: Affinis means "related to" or "resembling". It is very similar to A. immaculata.

Photographer: Phillipe Faucon of Phoenix Tropical Gardens