salteri (L. Bolus) P.M. Burgoyne |
Locality: Karoopoort |
Distribution: Tanqua Karoo and parts of the Little Karoo in the Northern and Western Cape. | |
Description: Dwarf creeping shrublet with greyish-green half-moon shaped basal leaves with translucent dots, these leaves become membranous that form sheaths around the new leaf pair, leaves have a flaking waxy layer, margins are toothed near the tips. | |
Flowers: Dark pink flowers (20mm in diameter) are borne on 30mm long pedicels. | |
Cultivation: Cuttings root easily, full sun, regular waterings excl. in summer which is its dormancy season. | |
Photographer: Etwin Aslander of Selecta Succulents - Plant/Seed Source |
Mesembs | Hammeria |