Stapelia kwebensis N.E. Br

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Distribution:  Found in Botswana, Zimbabwe and the northern Transvaal.  S. kwebensis is a tropical spp which was first near Kwebe, south of Lake Ngami in Botswana.

Description:  The erect green stems are 100mm - 200mm in height, they are minutely pubescent and short toothed.   Rudimentary leaves are prominent and erect.

Flower:  The reddish-brown flowers are 30 mm in diameter, they are rugose and hairless on the on the inner surface.   Flowers borne close to the stem on short pedicels.  Flowers stink!

Cultivation:  Shade/sun, little to moderate water.  Plant susceptible to rot, use a well drained soil.

Photographer:  Prof van Zanten

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