Stapelia gariepensis Pillans

stapelia_gariepensis_yellow_fl_form.JPG (19892 bytes)

Distribution:  Found in Richtersveld, south of the Orange River.
Description:  The plants are procumbent in full sun and erectly upright in shade (up to 125 mm in height).  Stems are pubescent, four angled, tinged purplish occassionally and they branch from near the base.  Stems have tubercle teeth and rudimentary leaves.
Flower:  The flowers (80mm - 90mm) are rugose, reddish-purple in colour
and shiny.  The flowers are marked
with yellow lines.  The disc and
margins are ciliate.  Lobes are strongly recurved.
Cultivation:  Shade/sun, little to moderate water.

Photographer:  Prof van Zanten

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