
Distribution: South Africa,
from Knysna to East London to the former Transkei region. Absent
from the Port Elizabeth - Grahamstown regions where it is replaced by
the allied B. decipiens (long hairs absent on corolla).
Species seems to be fairly common in former Transkei region where it
grows amongst rocks in open grasslands, prefers seepages lines in black
granular soil. |
Description: The plant has a
tuber with numerous succulent roots. Several stems appear from the
center of the tuber. Leaves opposite and lanceolate (under 10mm in
size), leaves are hispid (covered in rough hairs or bristles). The
stems die back during the dry season. |
Flower: Corolla lobes are dark
brown and the lobes are ciliate with vibratile white hairs. Corolla
lobe base is mottled with brown and white markings. Markings extend
down into the tube. |
Tony Dold & David Cumming: Notes on the species Brachystelma R.Br occurring
in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Asklepios 84 (2002):4 |