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Brachystelma caffrum (Schltr.) N.E. Br

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Distribution:  South Africa, Endemic to the Eastern Cape
First collected by Thomas Sim in 1893 on Mount Kemp near Stutterheim, also collected from St Albans near Engcobo (Dold 4367) and from Nqadu 20km North of Umtata, which increases it distribution considerably eastwards.
Description:  The plant has a small tuber with numerous succulent roots.  Several stems appear from the center of the tuber.  Leaves opposite and lanceolate, leaves are pubescent on the leaf margins.  The stems die back during the dry season.
Flower:  Yellow flowers appear on an axillary stalk. Corolla is 7mm in diameter.
Note:  Considered one of South Africa's rarest species.
Photographer: Max H. Michael

Tony Dold & David Cumming: Notes on the species Brachystelma R.Br occurring in the Eastern Cape of South Africa.  Asklepios 84 (2002):4